Send a Message. To Anyone. Without Having to be Friends.
Look beyond your friends to call, chat with more important people. Join the waitlist for the coming Klaap app.
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Klaap's mission is to enable seamless communication between any two people who have no relationship in an efficient, safe and convenient manner.
You can connect with all your friends. You’ll be able to send and receive messages through your friends to other; however, you cannot directly communicate with your friends.
Your clock earns time when you respond to messages and when others communicate by passing messages through you.
You can spend time (your earnings) to pay for sending messages to non-friends through your friends.
Features of Our Product
Klaap is designed with features to enable you to communicate with non-friends while reducing spam and inappropriate messages.
Personalized Clock
You will have an independent and personalized clock that is impacted by your income and expense of times. It slows down and speeds up based on your activities. You use your clock to pay for messages and calls and you are also paid in time for responding to messages.
Messages/Calls to Non-Friends
You can call or send a message to anyone by specifying intermediate connections; your messages or call have to pass through your friends and friends of friends as needed to get to your target. Your calls last 60 seconds on your personal clock. If your clock gets slower, your calls can last longer; if your clock is faster, then your calls last short time, less than a minute.
No Messages to Friends
You cannot call or message your direct friends. Your messages only pass through your friends to other destinations.
Search for Targets
You can search for targets to talk to. Search keywords could refer to company, profession, university, college major, products, interests or location among others. Search is important because you are not expected to know, by name, who you want to talk to.
Millions of Potential Targets
You have millions of potential targets for your communication. This is great specially compared to the only dozens or hundreds of friends you may have.
Delayed Services
Your messages or calls are delayed for a calculated amount of time depending on your clock and those of the intermediate connections and most importantly the receiver. More valued targets involve a longer delay to reach. You should respond to messages your receive to minimize delays of your message.
All Your Questions: Targeted, Delivered.
You can always find experts to target from within the US to help with your questions or problems. It does not matter if your friends can’t help. Your messages will be delivered however long it takes.
Get Help or Collaborate
Work together with your preferred individuals on academic or work projects.
Language Translation
Search for targets to find help with language translations of text.
What Can You Do On Klaap?
Communicate with almost anyone on the app (minus your friends)
Pay for sending messages and get paid for responding to others' messages in time currency. No use of dollars or cryptocurrencies.
Have control over time. You get a flexible and independent clock that speeds up and slows down based on your activities including messaging.
Put your friendships or network to good use (for the benefit of yourself & others).
Number of people you have access to
Most current application help you connect with your friends who are possibly in the hundreds. Klaap aims to connect you to potentially everyone through your friends. You can access millions of users through your network.
On Current Messaging Apps
This graph shows the connection between acquaintances. This represents current messaging apps or social networks.
On Klaap
The picture below shows, in a crowd, an individual’s potential connections on Klaap. An individual can communicate with almost anyone on the app.
How it works
Your messages and calls will be routed through your friends, friends of friends and so on to reach your target. Your phone calls will last 60 seconds on your clock. Depending on how fast or slow you clock is moving, this may be shorter or longer than normal.
When messages or calls are flagged, friends the message was routed through will be penalized along with the message sender or caller. In addition, when you receive calls, you’ll be rewarded with time based currency, which enables you to target people farther and farther and talk to them longer.